marți, 7 aprilie 2020

April TBR | Magical Readathon

So this year I decided that I want to take part in the O.W.L.s Magical Readathon hosted by Book Roast on YouTube.

If you don't know what this readathon is about, it is based on the exams that take place in the fifth year at Hogwarts, the Ordinary Wizarding Levels.
There are 12 subjects and therefore 12 exams. Each subject has a prompt that the reader is supposed to follow in order to pass the specific exam.
There is also a guide with the careers in the Wizarding World and the qualifications those require. Now based on the career that you wish to pursue in the future, you need to follow a certain set of prompts.

I'm not sure I explained that very well, so if you're interested in participating, make sure to check out Book Roast on YouTube and watch the video where she explains how this whole readathon works.

I, for one, chose to become a Librarian which is both an interesting and dangerous path to follow. Alongside taking care of the libraries, a Librarian is required to hunt the Lost Tomes of Knowledge.

Now for this magical career there are 5 exams that I have to pass (5 prompts that I have to stick to) in order to be eligible to participate in the N.E.W.T.s which will take place in August I believe, so for now, let's focus on the O.W.L.s.

The 5 prompts that I have to stick to are:
  • ANCIENT RUNES: Heart on the cover or in the title
  • ARITHMANCY: Something outside your favorite genre
  • DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS: Book set at sea or on the coast
  • HISTORY OF MAGIC: Book featuring witches / wizards
  • TRANSFIGURATION: Book or series that involves shapeshifting
Should be rather easy considering all the reading time I have now with the quarantine going on. The tricky part though is selecting a TBR for this Readathon because I am a mood reader but hopefully I will manage to stick to it. Worse case scenario, I'll swap the selected books for others that fit the prompts. Either way, I am determined to pass the O.W.L.s this year.

For the first prompt I decided to go with Murder in the Mews by Agatha Christie because the edition that I own has a heart on the cover. I also wanted to read this one for a while so now's a great time to do it.

For Arithmancy I chose The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid which is an adult book and something I don't think I've tried before. It's also a very hyped book and so many poeple said that it is a great read so I'll give it a go and see how it is for myself.

The third prompt is one I already completed by the time this goes up and I'll admit it, it was a hard one and I stretched it a little. For Defence Against the Dark Arts I read Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs (I will go into more detail about it in a future article about my progress on the O.W.L.s). A big part of the series (and this book) happens near or on the water so I stretched it a little and fit it here.

History of Magic is another one that I might stretch a little and go with Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes or Tyrant's Tomb by Rick Riordan because past Percy Jackson books contained witches and these might as well (and I really want to get to those this month so yeah).
However, I might just continue reading the Harry Potter series which fits the prompt best. We'll see.

And last but not least, the prompt for Transfiguration. Book or series that involves shapeshifting. I think this one will be the most difficult of them all because all that comes to mind right now regarding shapeshifting is The Infernal Devices series. I'll be honest, I've been thinking about rereading the series for quite some time now so it seems that this Readathon is the best opportunity for that.

And that concludes my O.W.L.s TBR. I will be back soon with another article on my progress throughout the month and some reviews on the books that I read. If you are participating in the Readathon as well, let me know in the comments below as well as the magical career that you have chosen!

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